

Control alimentario


Bill Gates is at the center of a controversial situation involving the USDA's destruction of billions of eggs, allegedly on his advice. This action has raised concerns about food safety and control over food production in America. Critics argue that this move aims to inflate prices and enforce mass vaccination of poultry, benefiting Big Pharma financially. The article suggests that Gates' influence extends beyond agriculture, linking him to broader globalist agendas and historical power dynamics within healthcare. As scrutiny increases, questions arise about accountability for past actions related to vaccine trials and public health policies. For more details, visit the full article.

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Pese a que pueda sonar a teoría conspirativa, un tribunal de Perú ha asegurado a través de una resolución que el Covid-19 es "una invención de las élites criminales a nivel mundial". Pero no se queda ahí, ya que señala con nombres y apellidos a sus principales artífices: George Soros, la familia Rockefeller y el cofundador de Microsoft, Bill Gates. ¿Qué hay de cierto en todo esto? ¿Por qué no ha parado de crecer esta 'teoría' en los últimos meses?