
breakthrough energy

Cambio climático


Bill Gates is facing criticism for a controversial plan to combat climate change by cutting down and burying billions of trees, an initiative dubbed "Breakthrough Energy." With over $6 million raised for this scheme, the U.S. Forest Service plans to thin out 70 million acres of Western forests over the next decade. Critics argue that this approach is not only illogical but could harm human survival and reduce wood availability. They claim it serves as a cover for population reduction efforts. The initiative has drawn skepticism for its reliance on questionable science and funding from companies like Stripe, with opponents labeling it as detrimental to both the environment and humanity. For more details, visit the full article.

El cofundador de Microsoft, Bill Gates, está invirtiendo $6.6 millones en un proyecto para talar y enterrar 70 millones de acres de árboles en un intento por combatir el calentamiento global. Los organizadores del proyecto afirman que al enterrar los árboles se evitará la emisión de carbono al aire. Gates también ha respaldado otros esquemas controvertidos para luchar contra el cambio climático, como la geoingeniería solar y la reducción de la temperatura del planeta mediante aerosoles en la atmósfera.
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