

Huawei ha lanzado en línea el teléfono inteligente Mate 60 Pro, que cuenta con un chip de 7nm fabricado en China. A pesar de las sanciones estadounidenses, Huawei ha logrado superar los controles de exportación y llevar la innovación tecnológica al siguiente nivel. El teléfono se describe como un gran avance en las comunicaciones por satélite y se rumorea que cuenta con tecnología 5G.
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Alicia Kearns, a British parliamentarian, has been accused of inciting ethnic tensions in Kosovo and having links to illegal regime change activities. The EU and the US have recently imposed sanctions on Kosovo, which were previously unthinkable. Kearns, who has a background in psychological warfare and intelligence, has been vocal in her condemnation of the sanctions. There are concerns that her actions could ignite further conflict in the region. She has also been involved in covert operations during the Syrian crisis.